Could use help with powershell script

Will post code later but I’m trying to use Get-Acl list on user home drives on a NFS that should share homedrive attribuite out of Win AD etc, I have 3-4 short powershell scripts but im struggling on how to combine them.

I have love hate relationship with powershell, most recently hate when I felt dumb I couldent get ? to work for single char wildcard in with -filter on active directory commandlet.

Cheers all Hapy to be here and Look forward to interacting with you all

get-childitem -Directory | % {get-acl $| select Path,Owner -ExpandProperty Access}

Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties Samaccountname,Enabled,HomeDirectory |where {$.HomeDirectory -like “\PATH\userhome*” -and $.Enabled -eq $false}|select Samaccountname,Enabled,HomeDirectory

$Checkdirs = (get-childItem -Path \PATH\userhome\ -directory | select name)

Heres the situation, there are alot of dirs on userhome that don’t correspond to actual real-person user accounts, Some of them are for systems account and autologin accounts, AD User accounts.

I think I found someone at work who is good with spreadsheet shit who can put multiple exported csv’s together and I think I figured out a way with format-table etc to make is row-col with matching primary key values.

I have love-hate relationship with powershell

Part of the Get-acl part is that they want to transfer this on prem userhome stuff to OneDrive cloud and the drive permissions are a mismash or random crap depending on who created the account lol